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Friday, October 1, 2021

BTS Bon Voyage Season 4 - New Zealand (Selandia Baru)

1:44 AM 1 Comments


BTS BV - 4 Teaser  🔝

·         Title : BTS: Bon Voyage 4

·         Original Title : BTS 본보야지4

·         Genre : AdventureComedyDocumentaryFriendshipLifeMusicYouth

·         Cast :

·         Year : 2019

·         Duration : 70 min

·         Type : TV Show

·         Episode : 8

·         Country : South Korea

·         Director :

·         Rating : Not Yet Rated

·         Score : 8.8

“New Adventure with Same Excitement”

One month before the Bon Voyage trip the members gathered at a restaurant to start planning their trip together. Separately, they’ve already done research on New Zealand and the different activities there are to do. Now they just need to decide on what to add to their itinerary as well as where they will be staying and what kind of camper they want continoue reading....

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“November 28 (Rescheduled)”

Bon Voyage season 4, episode 2, “Youth through the Eyes of BTS,” picks up with the members on their way to go have lunch, but first they have to drive there with the camper and the SUV. While Jungkook and Jin take turn as the first drivers, the other members are able to relax a little bit more. Jimin and Hoseok are quick to take the chance to continoue reading....

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“December 3 - Just Stars Everywhere”

With everyone finally ready to go, Bangtan heads out into the chilly morning for a hike together. Taehyung leads the group in their chant to keep the energy up as they walk up the mountain. It’s not long before they get silly and switch over to animal noises before coming up with  continoue reading....


“December 10 - Winter in September”

In their new lodging, the members must decide where they will sleep, so they play the ladder game to pick rooms and beds. Jungkook makes the chart, like usual, and lists the members in order from oldest to youngest. This means that Jin goes first and also gets the private room. Everyone is shocked and devastated. They want to redo it, but Jin won’t let them and runs off to continoue reading....

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“December 17 - Bangtan's Baby has No Fears”

As the others were busy getting the camp gear all set up, Yoongi and Jin focused on making sure the fire was ready to cook with. Jin was confused as to why the olive oil he used wasn’t working and asked Yoongi  continoue reading....

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“December 24 - Don't Doubt Chikorita !”

After dinner, Yoongi treats the rest of the members to some mulled wine (Vin Chaud), which he cooks over the fire. It’s supposed to help keep away sickness in the cold weather and  continoue reading....

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“December 31 - UNO !! ”

Nighttime has already fallen when the boys arrive at their last lodging in New Zealand for Bon Voyage season 4. With dinner on their minds, they’re quick to want to figure out the bedroom situation. They decide to play a game of  continoue reading....

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“January 07 - Goodbye New Zealand”

One of the cutest things from the entire season might be Taehyung’s solo trip to get burgers for lunch. Typically, he can get pretty nervous about speaking English. But with no one else around him to help, Taehyung steps up to the cashier to place his order. He even orders extra food for  continoue reading....

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BTS BV S 4 Episode 1: “New Adventure with Same Excitement”

1:34 AM 0 Comments


Episode 1: “New Adventure with Same Excitement”


BTS ‘Bon Voyage’ season 4, episode 1: Bangtan heads to New Zealand


    BTS Bon Voyage season 4, episode 1, “New Adventure with Same Excitement,” gives fans over an hour long look at the members planning their trip to New Zealand and traveling there to start their new adventure!

If you haven’t already watched and purchased the season, you can find it on Weverse!


    One month before the Bon Voyage trip the members gathered at a restaurant to start planning their trip together. Separately, they’ve already done research on New Zealand and the different activities there are to do. Now they just need to decide on what to add to their itinerary as well as where they will be staying and what kind of camper they want to use.


Even as they begin eating dinner the members are already discussing some of the activities they found in their research like fishing, hot springs, trekking, lavender farms, and helicopter rides. They also chat a little about what they want on their camper. They decide to stay in the camper for three nights but they need enough space for all seven of them, as well as ways to shower.

They give up deciding where to stay and go to what they want to do again. Jimin wants to go see the aurora, hot springs, lakes, boat ride. Yoongi comments that it would be nice to see as much nature as possible while they’re there, he also wants to go fishing. Namjoon wants to go to the Skyline Gondola and go race karting. Jin’s priorities are to go fishing and on the swing ride. Namjoon also suggests they go trekking and do a helicopter tour.

Hoseok worries how they will get everyone’s wishes done with all their different personalities and ideas. Yoongi and Jin keep letting everyone know they mainly only care about fishing and plan to feed everyone their catches. The other members don’t sound too sure about that though. Hobi also wants to go to the lavender farm but it’s not the right season for it. Everyone seems to agree that going trekking is a good idea even though it’s a long one.


We’re reminded that Namjoon hasn’t slept in a camper before like the other members, since he had to leave Bon Voyage season 1 early when he lost his passport while they were in Europe. The others explain to him all the things they can do with the camper though to ease his mind about whether it will work out.


There’s also a bit of back and forth on how they will shower when they stay in the camper since they can’t shower outside. Jin says it’s fine, they don’t need to shower. But Yoongi wants to shower everyday, which has Jin responding that he showers everyday too. I guess they just really like to banter.


When they’re all done talking about the camper they look at different accommodations they can stay at when they’re not camping. There are a lot of nice places to look at and they all have different opinions of course. Some of them think it would be nice to stay in a smaller place with bunkbeds, while others worried it would be crowded.


They also briefly discuss who will help take turns driving on this trip before coming up with a new Bon Voyage chant for the season. The maknaes are overly excited to come up with a chant that includes loud clapping, while the hyungs already look tired. And Hobi can’t stop giggling about it.


On the morning of the trip the members are all hyped up as they prepare to leave their dorm. While they finish packing up their bags they’re also busy comparing their airport fashions, especially Jin who bought something special for the trip. Meanwhile, Taehyung shows off his suitcase full of noodles. Hobi also plays around riding on the luggage as he waits.


Before they leave the members also talk about what they’ll need to buy once they land in New Zealand. They also decide that Hoseok will be the financial manager like their last trip to Malta, he even has money left over from then as he shows off. They practice their loud chant again before grabbing their luggage and heading out of their dorm to go.


While they drove to the airport the members discussed their different vacations during their time off. Many of them took the time to travel with friends and family. But a lot of them were also working on different projects as well, claiming that they got bored after a while with all the time off. They also teased Namjoon for being the only one without a license as Jimin got his over the break.


The staff also gave the members guides for the trip with all the information they would need. But there’s a hitch in their plans as they learn there’s issues with Jin’s travel documents and he can’t take the same flight at the others. He can still go to New Zealand but has to take a different flight about an hour later. Checking in goes smoothly for the rest of the members though.


As they wait for takeoff, the members settle into their seats and get things ready to keep themselves entertained. Namjoon goes into genius mode and reads the newspaper, Yoongi is ecstatic about the wifi quality, Jungkook just wants to nap, Hobi reads the trip guide, while Taehyung and Jimin rest up and play with their phones.


Yoongi is cutely shocked when the flight attendant shows him how to turn the seats into a bed. The other members start to do the same as well and get comfortable for their long flight. They also can’t help but laugh at how excited Yoongi is for the airline they’re on, with the wifi and beds he asks if they can always use them. We’re also treated to an airplane mukbang with all the foods that Hobi tries while the others rest up.


Meanwhile, Jin is able to go through the airport without any bother from crowds as he’s on his own. Which is actually a nice change for him! He’s sleepy from being unused to the schedule after their break. Spotting an RJ toy in a store has him pausing to guy buy it though.


Jungkookie is confused when the flight attendants bring him some special cake. It’s not his birthday but they say it’s for anyone with birthdays in September so he’s quick to point out Namjoon’s birthday too. Joonie sings the infamous cheesecake line from “Seesaw” while he eats his cake.


The members arrive at their first stop in Singapore and have some time before their next flight. Yoongi and Hobi decide to go shopping together to get some of the things they’ll need. Jimin, Jungkook, and Namjoon check out the food and have a quick meal together. Taehyung is feeling a little sick from the traveling though, so Jimin gets his friend some water. And when he’s feeling a little better, Jimin plays waiter and picks out food for Taehyung.


The members might be getting a bit restless as they wait because Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok start to play with the cameras in a silly way. Hooking them onto their suitcases so they can roll around and film each other doing different things like amateur professionals. Yoongi gets in on it too and lets them zoom into his face. Namjoon is the only one who sits quietly as he works on some music.


As the others head towards the plane for their connecting flight there’s a sudden panic to make sure everyone has their passports. They’re still traumatized from all the times they’ve misplaced things on past Bon Voyage trips, and rightly so. Everyone is happy to have everything they need and get onto the next flight finally.


They have time to catch some extra sleep while they’re flying to New Zealand. It’s not long before they’re all snoozing and when they wake up there’s just an hour left until they land. While they wait that last little bit, they have another meal and keep themselves entertained with music and movies.


Soon the beautiful mountains and nature of New Zealand are in sight as they land! Namjoon talks about the last time he was there nearly 13 years prior for language studies as a teenager. They’re excited for the cool air and nearly loose a suitcase as they celebrate. After they all pile onto a shuttle they head off to get their camper and car.


Back to Jin, who flew straight to New Zealand on his flight, is getting ready to land. Then he has to get onto a connecting flight in order to get to the right area in New Zealand but he’s also impressed by the views and good looking food.


The members get to the rental place and unload all their luggage before speaking to the staff. Hoseok takes charge with his English skills and gets their rental started, helping the other members fill out the paperwork too. While Jimin and Namjoon watch since they won’t be driving.



Jin finally landed too and is starting to head for the other members! He’s curious to see how the other members will react to seeing him again after getting separated to different flights.


The others are watching safety videos about driving in New Zealand before they take the rentals. Finally, they get a look at the camper just as Jin arrives. Hobi and Jimin jump on him right before pushing him to go do his paperwork for the rentals. Taehyung gives him a friendly hug and the others say they’re happy to see Jin too.


A staff member gives them all a tour and rundown of the camper. Explaining how to use different features like the hot water and heater. As well as the waste tank which prompts them into a discussion about bathroom breaks which is…I don’t even know what to say about it. The conclusion is they hope not to use the camper bathroom unless it’s an emergency.


Once they head inside they are happy to see how spacious it feels. Jin gets a look at the gears and explains to the others how it works, a few times because they keep asking him questions. It’s a show of Jin’s patience with all the members younger than him.


With all their questions answered, the members load up their luggage into the rentals and get ready to leave. But first, they do their Bon Voyage chant before getting into the camper and SUV to head off. Only for them to realize, they don’t know where they are going.


The producers tell them to check the guide book for the location they’re going to for a nice meal. Together, they’ll all have their first meal in New Zealand!



What was your favorite moment from ‘New Adventure with Same Excitement’?

Download video BTS Bon Voyage Season 4 - Episode 1 (click here )

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Aaahhhhh….. I'm so sorry….

9:49 PM 0 Comments


Aaahhhhh….. I'm so sorry….

I've been on hiatus for quite a while.

I receive a lot of emails and comments from you my best friend…

I'm sorry for hanging on to this relationship (eh!!)..

Long story short,,, I'm married (maybe it doesn't matter hehe) and I'm now 6 months pregnant..

Wow, everything is like a dream… yesterday I felt like I was still a child and now I want to have children.


During this pregnancy I often see Jungkook's photos. Haha.

I hope my son is handsome like urii kukiii. Huhuuuu..


I'm slowly updating and reuploading. Be patient please

Love you guuys…



Aaaaahhhhh….. maafkan saya….

Saya hiatus cukup lama.

Saya banyak menerima email dank omen dari kalian sahabatku… maafkan aku yang menggantungkan hubungan ini (eh!!)..

Pendek cerita,,, aku sudah menikah (mungkin tidak penting hehe) dan aku sekarang lagi hamil 6 bulan..

Wah semua seperti mimpi… kemarin saya merasa masih anak-anak dan sekarang saya mau punya anak.

Mohon do’a nya ya…

Selama hamil ini saya sering lihat foto Jungkook. Hehe. Semoga anak saya ganteng seperti urii kukiii. Huhuuuuu..


Aku update dan reaupload pelan-pelan ya. Mohon bersabar

OTW.... BTS Bon Voyage Season 4...

Thursday, May 9, 2019


10:46 PM 0 Comments

저희를 데뷔시켜주실 매니저님을 찾습니다! We’re looking for a manager who will help us debut!
Trans : Kami sedang mencari seorang manajer yang akan membantu kami debut!

Full Version : Youtube Netmarble

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